Exercises and stretches with your birthing ball

Supernanny expert trainer Mark Hibbitts gives you the exercises and stretches you need during pregnancy

In my last article I told you about the benefits of using a Swiss ball during your pregnancy. Here are some exercises and stretches to get you started. The instructions for activating your TVA are in the last article. Work up to three sets of each, and finish with the stretches.

The pelvic tilt

This exercise works your core muscles and your abdominals:

• Sit upright on the ball
• Contract your TVA
• Without moving your feet tilt your pelvis forward and upward
• Hold for 5 seconds and return to start position
• Repeat 12-15 times

The Biceps Curl

Don’t worry that your arms will look like a bodybuilders. It won't happen, and you’ll be glad of the extra strength when it’s time to lift baby.

• Sit upright on the ball, contract TVA
• Hold hand weights or dyna-bands at arms length
• Keeping elbows pointing down curl weight to shoulders
• Lower and repeat 12-15 times 

The Kneeling Ball Press-Up

This exercise is great for general upper body strength, but will mainly work your chest and triceps, helping to eliminate those ‘bingo wings’!

• Kneel in front of the ball and place hands on ball at arms length, contract TVA
• Keeping your back straight bend elbows until your elbows are at 90 degrees
• Pause, then return to the start position
• Repeat 12-15 times. If the ball rolls away place it against a wall

Seated Balance

Balance is very important during pregnancy. This exercise will help you maintain and improve your balance as your body changes shape.

• Sit upright on ball with hands on the ball for stability
• Contract TVA, then keeping good posture raise one foot 8-12 inches off the floor
• Hold the position for a few seconds then return to the start position
• Aim for 10 repetitions. To increase difficulty, fold your arms


The hormone ‘Relaxin’ is produced by your body during pregnancy to soften your connective tissue (tendons and ligaments), which in turn helps the birth process. Because of this it is extremely important that you don’t overstretch as it could lead to permanent damage. Just stretch to ‘biting point’ where you can feel the stretch in the muscle, and leave it at that. On no account should any kind of developmental, pnf, or ballistic stretching be practiced.

Hip Flexor Stretch

Your hip flexor muscles will become very tight during pregnancy as the weight of baby pulls you forward. It’s important to stretch them frequently, but take it gently at first.

• Sit on the ball
• Slide one leg behind ball until straight
• Maintaining your balance lean back slightly until a stretch is felt at the top of your thigh
• Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on other side
• If balance is an issue, hold on to a wall or table

Cat Stretch

You’ll love this! It will stretch out your tired back muscles and you’ll feel the tension disappear.

• Kneel down on the floor with your arms out in front of you
• Lower your head and push hands into the floor and body upwards, whilst arching your back like a cat
• Hold for 30 seconds.

Chest Stretch

This is to stretch your pectoral (chest) muscles. If you pronate your arm during the movement (ie: move your thumb down towards the ground), you can also feel the stretch in the biceps.

• Kneel on the floor with the ball at your side
• Bend forward at the waist and roll the ball out to the side until a stretch is felt in your chest
• Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side

Find out more

Mark Hibbitts and Newborn Fitness are experts in specially designed exercise programmes and sensible nutritional advice for pregnant women and new mothers.


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