The Little Chef

Supernanny's methods are a combination of practical experience and expert advice, giving you the support and confidence to be at your best when your kids need you most. The Little Chef Technique, as used on the show, engages children in mealtimes and encourages them to try different sorts of food…

Engaging fussy eaters and food phobics in the preparation of their meals could be the first step on the road to a healthy eating habit. As a version of the Shared Chore Technique, preparing a meal together can encourage the kind of teamwork needed between siblings who are often rivals.

Involve your children in cooking a meal

  • Tell your child he’s going to help you to cook dinner.
  • Resign yourself to the mess so you can all stay relaxed! Try on some aprons and face-paint little chef-moustaches on you and your little helper. Put your child in a Fun Pod high chair - he'll get a good view and feel involved with the cooking.  
  • If you’re working with more than one child, split the chores so the eldest is doing the carrying, the cutting, writing the menu and name plates, and the younger is supervised by you, helping grate cheese or wash carrots.
  • Heap your child with praise for his efforts, give him a special ‘tasting spoon’ and get him to sample the food as it’s being cooked.
  • Sit down and eat together as a family. Even if your fussy eater won’t eat this time, don’t focus on the negative, see if you can get him to take just one mouthful and praise him for helping.

What else might help?

For older children, a Placemat Reward Chart might help next time. You’ll find further hints and tips in coping with a fussy eater. It may take a while to reverse bad eating habits, but it’s important to be consistent in your approach.

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Related links

  • TV Clip - Good Eating Technique: Giving Andrew praise for eating four mouthfuls of his dinner turns out to be a much more successful way to get him eating than by telling him off.
  • Placemat Reward Chart: As used on the show, the Placemat Reward Chart is used to help deal with fussy eaters…
  • Coping with a Fussy Eater: Here’s one issue that has many parents tearing their hair out with frustration: how to get a child to eat anything near a balanced diet?
  • Recipes for Children: These recipes will teach your child to measure and combine basic ingredients, and they'll see how food transforms from raw to cooked!
  • Shared Chore Technique: As seen on the show, Supernanny’s techniques aim to discourage sibling rivalry by showing the kids they can get along together (sometimes!)…

Find out more

  • The Fun Pod high chair will keep your child safe and secure while you cook.

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