First day at school - how to help your child feel more confident

Teaching your child the skills they need to cope will boost their confidence and soothe those first-day school fears, whatever their age

Get psyched for school success!

Whatever your child’s age, that first day at school is a huge milestone and it’s easy for them to become anxious about new routines and social situations. Teaching them the skills they’ll need to cope will boost their confidence and soothe those first-day fears – so follow these tips to make sure they survive and thrive in their new school.

First day at primary school?

Your child may be excited about going to ‘big school’ but it’s a big step up from spending his days at home with you or whiling away the hours playing with his friends at nursery…

Friendship skills

Sharing can be the key to making friends, so get your child used to co-operating with other kids. He also needs to  know that he’ll be fine when he’s away from you…

School rules

Now he’s going to school your child will have to get used to a whole new set of routines…


Your child may never have been in such a busy environment without you there to take care of him…

First day at secondary school?

This brings your child face to face with fresh challenges and new faces.

Meeting and greeting

Teaching your child how to make the first move will help her conquer any nerves she has about her new classmates…

Older kids

It’s likely your child will feel pretty anxious about being among the youngest kids in school when she used to be one of the oldest…

First day at college?

Social and academic pressure can combine with hormones to make college seem scarily competitive to your teen…

Body image

Your child is right at the age where how he appears to his classmates is all-important…

Peer pressure

Your teen's need to be accepted by the other kids in school means she might have sleepless nights worrying that she might stand out or look different…

Schoolwork panic

Your child will be well aware that high school comes complete with longer, tougher assignments…


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