Spring Cleaning - Five ways to declutter toys today

Does your house look like the Toys R Us warehouse after a tornado has been through it? It's very easy for children's toys to fill up all available space and more. Here are five ideas to help you start Spring cleaning and declutter toys today.


  1. Get rid of anything that’s broken
    Broken toys can go straight away. They've served their purpose and been well-used, so it’s time to go. If you feel a sentimental reluctance to let go, take a photo so you can hold on to the memories.

  2. Send it to your local refuge
    If toys are still in good condition, consider sending them to your local refuge. Mothers and children often arrive in a refuge with absolutely nothing, so your donation will be appreciated. Refuges don’t advertise their addresses for obvious reasons, but you can find out the local donation point by contacting Refuge. This is a great way to pass on toys your children have outgrown that still have plenty of play value left.

  3. Charity shop
    Charity shops are always grateful for donations of toys in sellable condition. Other options for donations could be your church or doctor’s waiting room. Children’s hospitals are also often grateful for donations for the patients.

  4. Sell it via eBay or your local Facebook selling page
    You probably won’t make a lot of money via these routes, so save them for anything that’s worth at least £10. Sometimes you will do better bundling things together and selling it all together.

  5. Put it out of sight and see what happens
    If you really can’t bear to chuck stuff out, pack it away for six months and see if your children remember. Chances are they won’t, at which point you have the choice to get rid or rotate with other toys.

It’s up to you how much you involve your child in this process. Younger children probably won’t be aware of what’s gone. Older ones will be, and may want to be involved in choosing what goes to the charity shop. Help them see that decluttering can be a good thing. Your old toys can help others, and will leave more play space for anything that's new.

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